Manuscript Submission Regulations


1. Object

This regulation is aimed to rule submission of manuscript for Journal of the Korean Geo-Environmental Society (hereinafter 'manuscript').


2. Submission and Authorship
① The manuscript should not be published in other publications by principle.
② The manuscript should be written by MS word or Hangul in Korean or in English.
③ The amount of manuscript should be within 8 printed pages including figures, tables, and pictures.
④ The file of manuscript including figures, tables, and pictures should be submitted via the Article Constribution Management System (DBpiaONE): (
⑤ Author's qualification is recognized as an author only when all of the following items are satisfied.

- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND.
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND.
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND.
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


3. Format

① The abstract concisely summarizing its scope and conclusion should be written in Korean and English. The amount of abstract should be in 150~200 words and the 4~6 keywords have to be presented.

② For the use of terminology and symbol, the author should select the terminology and symbol which are used in common in the area of expertise.

③ The format should follow all the manuscript regulations of Society.

④ The international system(SI)units, prefixes, and symbols should be used for all physical quantities.


4. Charge

Authors are charged 60,000 won for reviewing one paper and are charged 300,000 won for an urgent review of a paper.


5. Revision

① The manuscript for re-review should be submitted within 3 months after revision. In a case the extension application is submitted, it is possible to extend by 3 months.

② The manuscript which is confirmed to be published, should be submitted in electronic form including all the figures, tables, and pictures.


6. Copyright

The copyright of already published or a manuscript appearing in the future belongs to Korean Geo-Environmental Society. The copyright transfer agreement should be submitted to Korean Geo-Environmental Society. Also, the authors are advised that an objection about the process of already published in Korean Geo-Environmental Society is not accepted.


7. Others

All the criteria is based on the manuscript regulation and Committee's rule. Inquiries regarding the submission are handled in the bureau of Korean Geo-Environmental Society.