Journal Publish Regulations


1. Object

This regulation is aimed to rule publication of the Journal of Korean Geo-Environmental Society (hereinafter 'Journal').


2. Publish

The Journal is published on the first day of the month, 12 issues a year.


3. Eligibility

The submittal of journal is limited to the member of Korean Geo-Environmental Society. In case of co-author with the member, a non-member is allowed to submit. Also, the submittal of a non-member can be accepted upon committee's decision. After submission, addition or rearrangement of the author names is not allowed in principle. With permission of editorial boards, the requests to add or rearrange the author names will be accepted for the special reason.


4. Manuscript

① The manuscript means original work which is not announced in other publication regardless of the language. The script can be written in Korean or English.

② The manuscript amount shall be within 8 pages by printed paper.

③ The manuscript shall contain a study paper, a technical development, and a case study to develop academy and techniques in geo-environmental field.


5. Date of Receipt

The date of receipt is regarded as the arrival date in Korean Geo-Environmental Society. In a case the returned manuscript for revision is not re-submitted within 3 months, it is considered as invalid.


6. Date of Review and Completion

The date of Review is considered as the date of referred to judges by Korean Geo-Environmental Society. The date of completion is the arrival date of the final revised manuscript.


7. Process of Peer - Review

① The reviewed manuscript is published in the order in which they were received. The date of receipt, the review date, and the completion date are displayed together with the manuscript.

② Upon the publication of the paper, the paper in PDF format will be basically provided. Additionally, 10 hardcopies will be provided with authors’ request.


8. Publication Charges

Upon acceptance of the paper, the authors are charged a publication fee of 120,000 won. Also, the additional charges of 30,000 won per page is charged for the manuscript which exceeded the amount limitation.


9. Others

All the criteria is based on the manuscript regulation and Committee's rule.