• Analysis of the Relationship between Surface Runoff and Rainfall Movement Direction and Velocity in Asymmetric Basin

    비대칭유역에서 지표면유출과 강우의 이동방향 및 이동속도의 관계분석

    Jinhyun Han, Wonho Lee, Yongsoo Cho

    한진현, 이원호, 조용수

    As a study to analyze the characteristics of runoff through moving velocity, moving direction, rainfall distribution type, and basin shape, the basic …

    유출의 특성을 이동속도, 이동방향, 강우분포형, 유역형상 등을 통해 분석하고자 한 연구로서 기본이론은 운동파이론을 적용하여 분석하였다. 강우분포형은 균등분포형, 전진형, 지연형, 중앙집중형을 이용하였고, 이동속도는 …

    As a study to analyze the characteristics of runoff through moving velocity, moving direction, rainfall distribution type, and basin shape, the basic theory was analyzed by applying kinematic wave equation. For the rainfall distribution type, uniform distribution type, advanced type, delayed type, and intermediate type were used, and only two types of movement Velocity was 1.25 m/s, and 10 m/s were used in consideration of the size of the model basin. At this time, the movement direction was analyzed in four directions: crossstream, downstream, upstream, and diagonalstream. The shape of the hydrograph, peak discharge, and peak time generated by the four rainfall distribution types passing through the asymmetric basin with regular intervals, such as square, oblong, and elongated models, were analyzed, and it was found that the basin model's shape has a significant impact on runoff. In the square type and the oblong type, a large peak flow rate appears in the downstream and crossstream directions, and the movement to the upstream direction appears faster in the outflow time, while the peak flow rate is smaller than in the downstream direction. Regardless of the moving velocity or rainfall distribution type, the peak flow rate in the downstream direction is large in the elongated type, and the peak time is found to be delayed for a long time.

    유출의 특성을 이동속도, 이동방향, 강우분포형, 유역형상 등을 통해 분석하고자 한 연구로서 기본이론은 운동파이론을 적용하여 분석하였다. 강우분포형은 균등분포형, 전진형, 지연형, 중앙집중형을 이용하였고, 이동속도는 모형유역의 크기를 고려하여 1.25m/s, 10m/s 2가지만을 사용하였다. 이때 이동방향은 횡방향, 하류방향, 상류방향, 대각선 방향 4가지 방향에 대하여 분석하였다. 4가지의 강우분포형이 정방형, 장방형, 신장형 등 3가지 형태의 모형유역을 일정한 간격을 가지고 있는 비대칭유역을 지나면서 발생되는 유출수문곡선의 모양과 첨두유량, 첨두시간을 분석하였고, 유역모형의 형태가 유출에 영향이 크다는 것으로 나타났다. 정방형과 장방형은 하류방향과 횡방향에서 큰 첨두유량이 나타나고 있으며, 상류방향으로의 이동은 유출시간이 빠르게 나타나는 반면 첨두유량은 하류방향보다 작게 나타났다. 신장형은 이동속도, 강우분포형에 상관없이 하류방향의 첨두유량이 크게 나타났고 첨두시간이 길게 지체되는 것으로 나타났다.

    1 January 2025
  • Analysis of the Relationship between Surface Runoff and Rainfall Movement Direction and Velocity in Model Basin Shape

    모형유역형상에서의 지표면유출과 강우의 이동방향 및 이동속도의 관계분석

    Jinhyun Han, Wonho Lee, Yongsoo Cho

    한진현, 이원호, 조용수

    The rainfall distribution type was simulated into four types: uniform distribution, advanced, delayed, and intermediate. The basin was divided into three types: …

    강우분포형을 균등분포형, 전진형, 지연형, 중앙집중형 4가지로 모의하였으며, 유역의 형태를 정방형, 장방형, 신장형 3가지로 나누어 유역의 중앙에서 유출이 발생하는 대칭유역으로 정하였고, 강우이동방향을 횡방향, …

    The rainfall distribution type was simulated into four types: uniform distribution, advanced, delayed, and intermediate. The basin was divided into three types: square, oblong, and elongated, and a symmetric basin where outflow occurs from the center of the basin was determined. The rainfall movement direction was set to four cases: crossstream, downstream, upstream, diagonalstream, and rainfall movement speed was set to 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 m/s that could occur in actual climate conditions to simulate various combinations of outflows. In addition, this was simulated for cases where the rainfall intensity and length are the same, and for cases where the rainfall intensity and the total rainfall are the same, respectively, and as a result of the simulation, it was found that the oblong basin is not affected by the rainfall movement speed in the upstream direction and for the elongated, and that the rainfall movement speed in the upstream and downstream directions change significantly in the upstream and downstream directions. In the oblong and elongated types, the peak flow rate decreases when the movement speed is high, and the tendency is large in the advanced type. In the delayed type, the peak flow rate is found to be the largest. Regardless of the rainfall movement speed, the peak flow rate in the downstream direction is larger than in the upstream direction and in the case of an equal distribution, the peak flow rate is almost the same.

    강우분포형을 균등분포형, 전진형, 지연형, 중앙집중형 4가지로 모의하였으며, 유역의 형태를 정방형, 장방형, 신장형 3가지로 나누어 유역의 중앙에서 유출이 발생하는 대칭유역으로 정하였고, 강우이동방향을 횡방향, 하류방향, 상류방향, 대각선방향 4가지, 강우이동속도를 실제 기후상황에서 발생할 수 있는 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0m/s의 4가지 경우로 정하여 다양한 조합의 유출을 모의하였다. 또한 이를 강우강도와 강우길이가 동일한 경우와 강우강도와 총강우량이 동일한 경우에 대하여 각각 모의하였으며, 모의한 결과 장방형유역은 상류방향에 대하여 신장형 유역의 경우 횡방향에 대하여 강우이동속도에 영향을 받지 않으며, 신장형유역은 상류, 하류방향에서 변화가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 장방형과 신장형에서는 이동속도가 빠른 경우 첨두유량이 작아지며, 전진형에서 그 경향이 크게 나타나고 있다. 지연형에서 첨두유량의 크기가 가장 큰 것으로 나타나고 있다. 강우이동속도에 관계없이 하류방향의 첨두유량이 상류방향보다 크게 나타나며, 균등분포의 경우 첨두유량은 거의 같게 나타난다.

    1 January 2025
  • Feasibility of Using Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data for Monitoring of Waste Landfill Facilities
    Sungpil Hwang, Wooseok Kim, Byungsuk Park, Wankyu Yoo, Jaehyeung Jeoung
    Recent advances in satellite data sharing have enabled active research in observing regional or inaccessible areas, providing cost-effective maintenance solutions. This study … + READ MORE
    Recent advances in satellite data sharing have enabled active research in observing regional or inaccessible areas, providing cost-effective maintenance solutions. This study examines the impact of building underground structures on the ground surface using satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. Displacements, such as ground surface subsidence due to underground excavation, are identified using time series analysis. The results of this study can be applied to minimize the negative impacts of large and neglected landfill facilities on surrounding vegetation. It is necessary to select analysis tools to minimize costs and acquire reliable satellite data. Further research is required to develop guidelines for addressing the specific conditions of different landfill facilities. Ultimately, this research can enhance the safety of and reduce environmental pollution at landfill facilities. - COLLAPSE
    1 January 2025